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B.E.S.T. provider system
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This fact sheet provides the features offered by the B.E.S.T. provider system

If you are interested in providing the finest quality services to your clients and at the same time want to expand your business, you will require a sophisticated set of systems to help you keep up with the expansion.

The B.E.S.T. (Better Engineered Software Technology) provider system will provide your organisation with just the system which is powerful, flexible, easy to use and robust at a price that is amazingly affordable.

Training to use the system is quick and simple. You will be comfortably using the system within hours of learning the basics.

The B.E.S.T. provider system

Office system includes the following functions:
  • Maintain city (in which the activities are sold)
  • Maintain operator (People answering calls)
  • Maintain demands (The types of client requirements)
  • Maintain activities (charges for services)
  • Maintain credit card vendors (used for payments)
  • Maintain providers (people providing your organisation's services)
  • Reports (rosters, list of jobs by provider, list of jobs by client, breakdown of earnings)
Booking system includes the following functions:
  • Logon providers
  • Match providers to demands
  • Select a provider to satisfy a booking
  • Select a client to take a booking
  • Create a future booking
  • Delete a booking by provider or by client
  • Create a job for a provider for a booked job
  • Logoff providers
Feedback system includes the following functions:
  • Record client satisfaction
  • Record provider feedback
General ledger system includes the following functions:
  • Maintain ledgers, groups and account details
  • Post cashbook and journal entries
  • Produces trial balance and profit & loss reports
Close job system includes the following functions:
  • Record payments
Debtor system includes the following functions
  • Record payments from credit card vendors
  • Process outstanding cash paid directly to a provider
  • List amounts owing by credit card vendors and providers
Daily reports includes the following functions:
  • Modify commission allocations and prepare commissions
  • List daily jobs

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