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Complex  evolving  object  transformation Read this white paper as a PDF. Please contact us for this white paper

This white paper describes how to decompose a system into the sum of its parts.

Imagine (if you will) that you were capable of being able to look at any business (no matter how large or how small) and readily identify all the various facets of it.

The following diagram represents a first principles look at how you could go about carrying out this task.

Complex evolving objects
Techniques to identify complex evolving objects
Technique Support Tools Skills
Ripose - Information architecture Ripose compiler RA1&2
SWOT analysis  WP/Spreadsheets SP
Business analysis WP/Spreadsheets BA
Strategic planning WP/Spreadsheets SP
Object orientation Various OO Exp

Techniques to identify complex static objects
Technique Support Tools Skills
Ripose - System architecture Ripose compiler RA3
Object orientation Various OO Exp
Structured analysis Various SA

Techniques to identify simple static objects
Technique Support Tools Skills
Ripose - Logical compiler Ripose RA4-6
Object orientation Various OO Exp
Structured analysis Various SA
Rapid iterative processing Various A/P Prog

WP= word processor;  OO Exp = Object Orientation Expert

To get a better understanding how Objects are physically implemented, please see the Extended OSI 7 Layer Model.

Examples of Objects
Description Example
Complex Evolving Object The end result(s) or goal(s) is/are indeterminable. Multiple ideas need to be inputted into multiple processes, producing multiple outputs.
Hence it is necessary to develop a single, integrated model (scale sized replica) that takes into account the multitude of  results. These objects have more to do with sociology than technology
Complex Static Object The end result(s) are determinable. A single model (scale sized replica) can be developed that reflects the end results. These objects have more to do with technology than sociology but can have a major effect on sociology. Hence if the technology is not applied for the right reason, the lives of countless numbers may be put at risk Games
Cellular Phones
Integrated Computer Chips
Simple Static Object A single output (result, message) is generated from a process. These objects have all to do with technology, with no sociological considerations. Module

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Complex Evolving ObjectComplex Static ObjectSimple Static Object