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 Why should Ripose be used? Read this fact sheet as a PDF. This may take some time to download. You will need to use Acrobat Reader.Read with Acrobat
 In light of articles in several magazines, organisations are going to be hard pressed to rapidly verify that the designs their data modellers have produced will provide the results their users require.

One article that may be of interest was called '1995: The Year of Shattered Illusions'. In it Ms Christine Comaford reports that only 16% of software projects were considered successful. In addition almost US$167 billion was spent on software projects with a mammoth US$140 billion being thrown away on cancelled and problematic projects.

Designing and implementing large software projects looks to be very much a hit and miss affair. With all the amazing software tools and methodologies about, why is this so?

To understand the problem, it may be necessary to examine some of the alternatives to finding solutions to the strategic planning, system architecture and data base design problems?

  Some of the most popular alternatives are:
  • Balanced scorecard
  • Binary relation modelling
  • Brain storming
  • Business analysis
  • Business process re-engineering
  • Function point counting
  • Information engineering - data modelling
  • Knowledge Management
  • Lateral thinking
  • Object oriented analysis
  • Rapid iterative prototyping
  • State transition analysis
  • Strategic planning
  • Structured analysis
  • Trial and error

How does Ripose measure up against these approaches? Please contact us for our white paper on the comparisons of most of the above techniques with the Ripose Technique. Note that the above list is not exhaustive.

Then see the conclusion.


The other methods have (directly or indirectly) contributed the huge amount of wasted time and money. So why not look at Ripose!

Ripose has combined the best features of the above techniques to ensure that the end product is:

  1. Fast
  2. Understood
  3. A quality product every time
  4. Easy to learn
  5. Inexpensive

Ripose takes the “pain” out of strategic planning, data engineering, system architecture, data modelling, data base design, and program specification.

Ripose achieves this claim by creating a 2 tier construction model:

  • To develop the overall business concept using the following techniques:
  • Joint enterprise modelling (strategic planning - objectives)
  • Joint requirements modelling (strategic planning - knowledge modelling and strategies)
  • To develop the logical requirements by using a joint application development technique (systems building)
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